543 Squadron Aircrew Association


Some 80 ex-aircrew members of 543 Squadron, from both the Valiant and Victor period, have formed an association which enables them to keep in touch.  

This web-site offers an opportunity for members to share memories with colleagues in any form they wish. You will find some memories by following this link to the Memories Page.

The main activity is an annual reunion dinner which is held at RAF Wyton in May. There are occasional specials events, one of which took place on 12th September 2003. This was a dedication of a 543 Squadron tree at the National Memorial Arboretum.

New members from 543 Squadron are very welcome to join the association.  You may follow the link and complete the Joining /Update Form.

Existing members can also use the Joining/Update Form to revise their personal details 

You can also use the e-mail contact addresses on the Home Page to send a message directly to either of us.


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