543 Squadron Aircrew Association

History of 543 Squadron

543 Aircrew Association

Latest News      12th May  2016 Update   

 New page - old notices etc  have been placed temporariliy in an Archive Material Page

2016 reunion at RAF Wyton Saturday  ***14th May 2016*** 1800


Dinner notice   may be downloaded here


Past Reunion pictures may be seen here 


 Have you seen these lapel pins for sale on E Bay




 Credit image http://www.spyflight.co.uk/val.htm


If you are attending the Reunion dinner
      This important message from John Bradshaw

From: John Bradshaw (jbradshaw007 at btinternet.com)

Dear Colleague,  Initial numbers have been confirmed

If you would like to attend the dinner and haven't yet replied please do so, by email, asap .

I can give you the details for a BACS transfer. All indications are that we will be able to provide mess accommodation for all who request it.

John Bradshaw


An intruiging sign in Wyton village ...  perhaps a little partisan  to V Force crews







Secretary is John Bradshaw   jbradshaw007@btinternet.com

The past Secretary Mike Beer is at mikebeer@lineone.net


543 Sqn crest photo and original drawing by Derek Hickman

Website -  © Gordon Dyer until 18th  June 2011

From July 2011 Please contact Chas Lister Jnr 543SqnWeb@live.co.uk for matters regarding the site

Last updated 14 May 2016